
Henley Brook Primary School offers a full and robust curriculum, catering for the needs of all students. Teachers employ consistent student engagement strategies and daily reviews to maximise learning. We use whole-school, evidence-based programs to teach phonological awareness, synthetic phonics and spelling, and use an approach consistent with the science of reading. 

Our curriculum aligns with the WA School Curriculum and Standards Authority and the WA Department of Education's Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Policies.  In addition to English and Mathematics which are priority areas; year-level syllabuses for Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Technologies, The Arts and Languages remain consistent with the Australian curriculum, contextualised to make them more suitable for Western Australian students and teachers.

Early Childhood is a very important part of our school. The foundation years of a child's life is so important and we want to ensure they have the best experience and opportunities at Henley Brook. The Early Years Learning Framework has a strong focus on Being and Belonging. The Framework describes the principles, practice and outcomes essential to support and enhancing the opportunities for young children's learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school.

Aligning with the EYLF we cater for the whole child.  All teachers have high expectations of children’s capabilities. Ensuring that all children experience pride in their attempts and achievements. We engage children in a range of engaging learning experiences and ensure we offer excellence in teaching and learning.